Buliotkė antikvarinė, Varšuva, Lenkija, carinės Rusijos imperijos laikų. PLEWKIEWICZ W WARSZAWIE. 1900-1914 m. Aukštis su dangčiu 36 cm. Kaina 187

Main mark of Roman Plewkiewicz foundry, which refers to galvanic silver deposition. Very similar in design to the marks used by WMF in the same period. In the centre of the mark there is an oval, which contains the Polish inscription "PLEWKIEWICZ W WARSZAWIE", which means in English "PLEWKIEWICZ IN WARSAW". The size of the oval is 6.1 mm x 8.9 mm. Above the oval there is a fraction 1/0 (WMF used a somewhat different fraction, I/0), which again means "normal thickness of silver deposited onto the surface of the base metal". In this specific case the brass was used as a base metal, which is marked by the letter "M", put below the oval (WMF also used the same letter for marking the silver deposition on brass). Common.

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Buliotkė antikvarinė, Varšuva, Lenkija, carinės Rusijos imperijos laikų. PLEWKIEWICZ W WARSZAWIE. 1900-1914 m. Kaina 187

  • Product Code: Buliotke IMG_0100
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 187.00€

Tags: Buliotkė, antikvarinė, Varšuva, Lenkija, carinės, Rusijos, imperijos, laikų. PLEWKIEWICZ W WARSZAWIE. 1900-1914 m.